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Visit to Auto World Vintage Car Museum, Ahmedabad

The ATD Students of UID, Karnavati University recently headed out to the popular Auto World Vintage Museum to celebrate the automobile history since the ages and in the process had an opportunity to interact about the sculptural aesthetics, body types and platforms of a variety of famous vintage cars, right from the Rolls Royce, Jaguars to the more modest Fiats. All the beautiful images are contributions of the UID students.

Recent Events

VORTEX : the Foundation Fest debuts at UID

Debut edition of Vortex – The Foundation Fest was no less than a stellar gaze. With students from 9 different

CREA : showcasing students’ design talent

Crea was a platform that showcased the talent of students from three diverse realms: product design, automobile and transportation design,

Student’s Diary: My Semester

This semester was jam-packed with assignments, festivals, and countless hours of work. However, what made this semester stand out was

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