Induction Day!
Enthralling faces filled with excitement to start their new embarking journey. A great welcome to all our new students of the School of Industrial Design, UID.
Workshops were organised to break through their comfort zone making them enter into this fun journey which beholds ahead. “Thinking with Paper” by Ishita Chowdhary and “Thinking and Feeling with Colours” by Prajakta Karekar and “Think and Grow” by Prof. Kishan Chavda, Prof. Sharad Shetty and Prof. Varshin Vala, a few of the organised workshops to break the ice which showcased great talent from our students.
Welcome to the bunch, we hope for a long and successful journey with you filled with excitement.
#inductionday #industrialdesign #welcome #thinkandgrow #papercrafting #uid #designschool #karnavatiuniversity